Saturday, September 20, 2014

Sephora Haul- Skincare Edition

I understand that Skincare products are more difficult to review because results don’t come right away, it could take from 3-5 weeks until you start noticing big results. I purchased these items about 2 weeks ago and I’ve been using them but I don’t want to provide a detailed review yet. Just to give you some insight on my skin, I have combination/oily skin. I don’t have major breakouts but I do get the occasional “monthly breakout” but its nothing that I can’t tame so my face is pretty good. I wanted to try out some new skincare products because I feel like as I get older, the skincare products don’t work as well aas they use to. I’m starting to notice a few wrinkles  around my eyes and more dry patches. It could also be the weather changes and the lack of summer we had this year (had to throw that in there).  Let’s begin.
First up is the Kate Somerville Blemish Banisher Kit. I’m really enjoying this line, I always wanted to use Kate Somerville but its so expensive. I finally decided to purchase it because although it is expensive, its for my face and you only have one face so you have to maintain it. And I read some many amazing reviews and watch a ton of Youtubers praise the line that I had to try it for myself.
Purity Made Simple Mask was my next purchase- I am a big fan of the Purity Cleanser, I think the cleanser is amazing! It’s gentle, does not have a strong scent and removes dirt. I’ve only used the mask 4-5 times and I usually use it before I jump into the shower, I cleanse my face then apply this mask on my face and neck and wait 60 seconds then shower. I haven’t noticed any changes and it didn’t break me out but I don’t think I would repurchase it simply because there are a lot more mask out there for the same price that could work better for me.
I purchased a “travel set” of the Dr. Dennis Gross- Alpha Beta Peel, Extra Strength Formula. It comes with 5 treatments and it’s a 2-step process. You are suppose to apply Step 1 onto your clean face in circular motion and wait 2 minutes. Do not wash your face. Then apply Step 2- Deeper Treatment again, in circular motion and don’t wash it off. I like the way it makes my face feel, its so hydrating and I feel really refreshed the next morning.

My last skincare purchase recently is First Aid Beauty- Ultra Repair Cream. I haven’t used it yet but I’ve also heard a lot of good reviews on this particular products so I’ll keep you posted.
That’s all for my Sephora skincare haul. But before I go…IF you have not already, go to your nearest Sephora or check to see if they still have this amazing 500 point perk. It’s a YSL bundle and it comes with a lipstick, eye pencil, mascara and a SUPER cute mirror. If you have the points I would definitely suggest picking it up before its gone.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

With Love, Maggie

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